MEM - Mobile Electronics Magazine
MEM stands for Mobile Electronics Magazine
Here you will find, what does MEM stand for in Publishing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Mobile Electronics Magazine? Mobile Electronics Magazine can be abbreviated as MEM What does MEM stand for? MEM stands for Mobile Electronics Magazine. What does Mobile Electronics Magazine mean?The Publishing company falls under publishing category and is located in North Andover, Massachusetts.
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Alternative definitions of MEM
- MEMory variable save file (Clipper - dBASE IV - FoxPro)
- Macro Editor macro (WordPerfect Library)
- Memphis International Airport, Memphis, Tennessee USA
- Minimum essential medium
- Micro Electro Mechanical
- Micro Electro Mechanics
- Memory
- Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc.
View 72 other definitions of MEM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- MSHS Maple Shade High School
- MNMP Manhattan New Music Project
- MEL Majestic Events Limited
- MMC The Marvellous Media Company
- MSM Manifesto Sport Management
- ML Made in Louise
- MFG Mutual Financial Group
- MPL Morgan Peterson Ltd
- MHSO Maryland Highway Safety Office
- MES Mckenzie Elementary School
- MSSISPL M/S Saga Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd
- MIUSA M Industry USA
- MSB Maximize Social Business
- MSECL Matthew Snowden Electrical Contractors Ltd
- MAF Mid American Fitness
- MEA Meagher Energy Advisors
- MLPL Max Logistics Private Limited
- MPL Meal Pros LLC
- MCPBI Motor City Pawn Brokers Inc
- MFG Marshall Financial Group